
Encourage the optimism of children and their communities to contribute to a more just, empathetic world that respects human rights.


Children learn about society, exchange with other cultures, express themselves on the radio and act for a more just and supportive world.


Learn and grow in safety and dignity. In Haiti, Geomoun promotes the rights and protection of children through the support of committed structures and communities.


The children of Togo express themselves on the radio and form "Milawé Clubs" to make the world move with the support of our partner Visions Solidaires.


Thanks to our partner Carrefour Jeunesse, several schools in Benin are participating in the Le Son d'Enfants project and are committed to a more just and supportive world.

Small NGO, big projects

Why support us?

Geomoun, the NGO that

How was Geomoun born?

Since 2000, Geomoun has been supporting Timkatec, a children's home in Port-au-Prince that provides care, schooling and training for vulnerable children and youth. It all started in Haiti and GEOMOUN is now supporting other projects...

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Where does your money go?

Geomoun strives to keep management costs to a strict minimum so that your donations best serve the beneficiaries of our projects. In 2017, 83.1% of donations and subsidies directly financed our projects.

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How is Geomoun financed?

Our NGO accreditation gives us access to public funding. Belgian Development Cooperation, for example, finances a large part of our projects until the end of 2021 but in return requires that Geomoun itself raises 20% of the amount of the subsidy...

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Who are our beneficiaries?

The well-being of children is totally dependent on their environment, adults and state actors who are responsible for it, our projects take this into account!

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Meet the Team

Cécile Nuyt

Co-founder and Director of Geomoun

Nathalie Delbar

Program Coordinator Belgium
Rencontrer le reste de l'équipe

Happy stories

Discover the testimonials of our beneficiaries.

Petisson Louis

Beneficiary of the project in Jacmel, Haiti.

"I keep going to the river to wash the cars, but after school and once I finish writing my homework and studying my lessons... Against all odds, I will finish my studies..."


Beneficiary of Timkatec, Haiti

"I see that my life has a different meaning and now I know who I am, what I want to be in this society. "

Father Simon

Founder and Director of Timkatec

"Geomoun and Timkatec have names that announce their fundamental inclination: Men, children. Geomoun reminds us of "La terre des hommes" and Timkatec: "Children in action... "Their quiddity is already announced in their names."



Belgian Development Cooperation Wallonia Brussels International Wallonia Federation Brussels Province of Walloon Brabant Walloon Government King Baudouin Foundation Apcha Brussels environment

Educational projects and teaching tools


Geotimoun is the development education website of the NGO Geomoun. It is for you: teachers, parents and facilitators with primary school children.

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